Last Updated on: 7th November 2013, 08:59 am
If there’s anybody out there who saw my post about the Hot Hot Heat CD review I did and wanted to read it but hadn’t hit the link yet, I should probably let you know that that link doesn’t work anymore. If you click there you’ll go to a review, but it’s just not the one you were looking for.
Instead you’ll be taken to a review of Short Music for Short People, a really fantastic punk compilation. I suggest you go and read all about it and maybe even buy it. There’s even a handy little button right on the page that will let you do just that, and you’ll be supporting Salty Ham at the same time.
As for where you can find Hot Hot Heat, go to the main page of
Salty Ham
and look around for it. It’s still on the main page under the Classic Music Reviews heading.
I think in the future I’m going to stop linking directly to things like that since the way that the site is set up, the links swap themselves out when new content gets posted. I’ll link to the reviews sections and when I actually start writing columns again [which will be soon by the way] I’ll link to the archive page like I’ve always done.
Sorry for the confusion.