Last Updated on: 3rd November 2013, 05:17 pm
Oh boy. First I was mad because regular folk could pretend their pets were service animals, and now I find out we’re getting screwed over by blind people too!
Are you confused? I was at first. This is how it went. A couple got guide dogs from Leader dogs, another guide dog school. They were reported to have been abusing the dogs. The school sent someone out, and yanked the dogs’ certifications to be guide dogs. They felt they weren’t good as guide dogs anymore. They took the harnesses and ID cards, but let them keep the dogs! Why? If the dogs were being abused, wouldn’t you take the dogs?
Now, the couple want to exploit the hole in the ADA that I mentioned before to use their dogs as guides anyway! Hello, imbeciles, are you trying to get yourselves killed? These dogs don’t come cheap, so if the school revoked their certifications, there must be a reason for it. I know a cane doesn’t feel the same as a dog, but you can suffer through having a cane until you get trained with a dog who *is* fit to guide. Just remember, after you get hit by a car because your dog didn’t know what to do, that a mangled body certainly doesn’t work the same way as a perfectly good one either.