Last Updated on: 17th October 2014, 10:15 am
Even though we seem to have more American visitors than Canadian ones these days, I still wanted to take a second to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving. What ever you’re doing and whoever you’re doing it to, I hope it’s a safe and happy experience for each and every one of you.
I’m sure very few of you care, but if you’re curious about how I’ll be spending my long weekend, I’ll be heading out to
The River Run Centre
with my Mom and Carin tonight to see
Jim Cuddy.
I’ve seen him as part of
Blue Rodeo
before and it was great, so I’m looking forward to seeing if a solo show is just as good. I can’t believe I bought those tickets all the way back in May for Mother’s Day. Christ time flies. After that I’m off to the family home to do all of the traditional holiday running around as well as the eating and drinking that goes with it. Good times.
One thing I more than likely won’t be doing though is posting around here, and the same goes for Carin who is heading off to see her own family for a few days as well. So if things get a little quiet around these parts, that’s why. Hey, at least we warned you this time, unlike in the summer.
And if you’re in Ontario, don’t forget to get out and vote next week if you didn’t hit one of the advance polls like Carin and I did yesterday. Carin can tell you if she wants, but if you read our
Guelph debate blog
and were wondering how either of us voted, I decided on Liberal and yes to the electoral system change question. Say what you want about broken promises and such, but it’s hard to look at Ontario now and say that it isn’t in at least a bit better shape than it was when we took it away from the Conservatives in 2003, so why mess with something that doesn’t need messing with?
I think that’s all for now. I’ll talk to you when I talk to you, probably Tuesday or Wednesday. In the meantime, go have some fun. It’s pretty damn nice outside for an October, so go enjoy it before it’s gone.