Last Updated on: 10th January 2016, 01:33 pm
I just thought I’d throw this out there because maybe it would help.
Long story time. At intervals that I don’t really know or understand, GDB’s puppy truck goes from town to town, giving new little poop-making furry bundles of joy and house-destroying potential to puppy raisers so they can spend the next 14-16 months turning them into well-behaved dogs who are used to being out in public. . The puppy truck also picks up dogs that are ready to go back to the school for their formal guide dog training. From time to time, there are retired guide dogs on the truck being taken to their new adoptive homes.
Back in early January, the puppy truck was involved in an accident when another truck smashed into it. I guess the accident was pretty major, because the retired guide dog on the truck died in the accident, the driver broke his pelvis and suffered other serious injuries, and the school needs a new puppy truck. Luckily, all the other puppies got out ok, but it’s still sad for that retired guide dog’s x-handler and her raisers who were going to take her back as a spoiled pet.
So, here comes the request. If anyone wants to donate some money to helping the school get a new puppy truck, you can do so by giving to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Heroes fund. If doing it online isn’t your thing, you can send your donation to:
Guide Dogs for the Blind
P.O. Box 3950 San Rafael, CA 94912-3950 and specify that it is for the Heroes Fund.
Or, give them a call at 1-800-295-4050 and tell them you want to give to the Heroes fund.
I’m trying to put the word out there, since the fund is staying kind of well-hidden, and I don’t think that’s what they want. Let’s help them get a new puppy truck!