Last Updated on: 21st November 2013, 01:38 pm
I just found out about a service called
that allows you to convert files into several different formats. The best part? The basic service is totally free and works like a dream.
I tested it out by converting some pdf’s to text, made a YouTube video into an avi and then into an mp3 quickly and easily. If I were to make one complaint it would be that all but one of my notification emails ended up in my spam folder, but that’s nobody’s fault and easy to sort out.
The free site will allow you to convert up to 5 files at once to a maximum of 100 megabytes, which is a really nice time-saving feature. If you need to convert more than that you can sign up for one of their paid plans, the priciest of which let’s you upload a gig at a time.
I’ll link the site in our computer resources section so that you’ll always be able to find it if you forget what it’s called, but it may take some time to show up there due to me being a lazy, absent-minded prick.