Last Updated on: 3rd November 2023, 06:35 am
It’s been said that nothing is accomplished without a little bit of trial and error, and boy have I got some error for you people!
This is a rundown of some of the stupidest anti-terrorism inventions to ever receive patents. There are some real gems in here, including…
Passenger Control System During Flight
U.S. Patent 6970105, Passenger control system during a plane flying, by Paolo Valletta. Issued Nov 29, 2005.
Problem: A terrorist is onboard, and you want to disable him without harming the other passengers.
Solution: Make all passengers wear armbands that monitors their body for signs of falsehood and evil (ooh, say heart pulsation and blood pressure – hey, it’s in the patent application, mmkay?). And did I mention there’s a syringe filled with a strong tranquilizer connected to the thing? One “anomalous emotional condition,” then off to dreamland they go!
Bonus: Works for unruly kids.
I also got a kick out of the explosion containment net. If it works at all, it’s only going to contain explosions that haven’t happened yet. You know, the ones that aren’t killing anybody.