GDB Reunion, Here I Come!

Last Updated on: 21st April 2015, 11:03 am

Well, believe it or not, I’m almost ready to go to the GDB reunion. Tomorrow morning at 5:05, Red Car service, a big old van that drives people to the airport, will pick me up. Trixie’s going to be some pissed. Because we’re flying for so long with no chance to relieve, I kinda have to not feed her breakfast. I hate doing that, but well, I don’t want her to explode on the flight.

Heeheehee! I’m excited and nervous! this is the first trip I’ve booked all on my own. Sure, there’ll be help at each end, but well, there’s noone going with me, so if something goes wrong, it’s all up to me to get it right.

Man, GDB does a good job of taking care of us. They sent us a description of the layout of the hotel! How cool is that? I’ve already been told where the designated dog-relieving area is at Portland Airport, they even gave us the number of an emergency vet clinic in Portland if the unthinkable happened. I’ll definitely have stories, and I’m hoping to get pictures so I can send them to Trixie’s raisers and hopefully put some good ones up here. I was so hoping that Trixie’s raisers could come to the reunion, but her daughter had a baby, so hmmm I think that takes precedence.

So, you can guess I won’t be posting from tomorrow until…probably Tuesday, since I’m flying back here Sunday night and will be arriving bright and early Monday morning. Oh god the bed will feel good. Have a good weekend everyone.

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