Last Updated on: 27th January 2016, 10:49 am
It’s time now to bring back an old favourite. Who’s favourite I don’t know, but hey, it sounded good when I wrote it.
WWE presents its annual Cyber Sunday pay-per-view on October 26th. I almost wrote anal, which given the lineup and some of the booking lately wouldn’t necessarily qualify that as a typo. Anyway, the 2 of us decided that it had been too long since we had done a predictions roundtable. We used to do them all the time on Salty Ham when that site was still around, and now and then we’d do them here too. But we have a lot less people when we do them here and there’s no point in having a big ass round table taking up space when you don’t really need one, so we now present what we like to call Steve and Matt’s predictions Table For 2. What about Carin you ask? Well, she’s smart enough not to like wrestling and therefore will not be participating. Though if she were I’m certain that either JBL or Lilian Garcia would win every match because she thinks the Moo in JBL’s theme music is funny and she likes the way Lilian says “Ceeeeeenaaaaaaah!” when she introduces him.
Anywho, why waste anymore time when we can get straight to us being wrong? and since much of what happens on the show is based on fan voting (I refuse to say universe), we sure have a lot of room for error this time out. Speaking of errors, I didn’t fix any of Matt’s. Who has that kind of time?
World Champion Chris Jericho vs. Batista with the fan’s choice of referee: Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels or Randy Orton.
Who Should Win: Jericho
Who Will Win: Jericho
Thoughts: It’s interesting. Your choices for the ref are Stone Cold, Randy Orton or Shawn Michaels. I just assumed everyone would vote for Austin and that was that but then noticed HBK isn’t on the card anywhere else so now I don’t know. I tend to think they are going to screw with the votes here. But who knows. Jericho is the only heel with real heat and not just a crowd hating them cuz they suck so it doesn’t make sense to take the belt off of him. Look for shady business in the finish, though.
Who Should Win: Jericho
Who Will Win: Jericho
Thoughts: Icoveredmy feelings on this match in pretty good detail earlier in the week, so there’s no point in going over it all again. I don’t expect any vote tampering here though. For some reason WWE never seems to do that even when it would be advantageous for them to do so. It makes storyline sense for Michaels to be the ref so he can screw with Jericho some more, but there’s no way Austin is losing this vote. And while I’m disagreeing with Matt here, what does it matter if Shawn’s not on the card anywhere else? He either sits it out or they find another place for him. I’m sure he could put in an appearance backstage or maybe even get involved in the finish of the match somehow.
WWE Champion Triple H vs. the fan’s choice of: Jeff Hardy, Vladimir Kozlov or a Triple Threat match with both men.
Who Should Win: Hardy:
Who Will Win: Trips
Thoughts: Need you ask? Trips just always wins. But it’s time to stop fucking around with Jeff. Shit or get off the pot. If you keep jobbing him out in the big one people will stop taking him seriously – if they haven’t already.
Who Should Win: Jeff, but he’s not going to.
Who Will Win: The H’s
Thoughts: Again, I have to disagree with Matt a little. The fans won’t stop taking Jeff Hardy seriously. He’s a Hardy. Did they stop cheering for Matt when he was getting jobbed out left and right? No. WWE tried and tried and tried some more to toss the guy in a whole and cover him up, but it never worked. No matter what they did, he stayed over. RVD was the same way. Certain guys will always have the support of the fans no matter what, and Jeff is one of them. I’d love to see him finally win the big one, but it’s not happening any time soon and it’s probably his own fault. I hope I’m wrong about that statement and I probably will be sooner or later, but it’s hard to pull the trigger on a guy that you’ll have to fire if he fails another piss test. The fans will vote him in, but Kozlov will get involved and spoil the party….again.
ECW Champion Matt Hardy vs. the fan’s choice of Evan Bourne, Finlay or Mark Henry.
Who Should Win: Matt Hardy
Who Will Win: Matt Hardy
Thoughts: Well in this one you vote for Matt’s opponent. You can pick Bourne, Mark henry or Finlay. No one ever votes for the heel so Henry’s out and no one gives a shit about Finlay anymore so he’s gone too. So, I guess since there’’s only 4 guys in ECW that leaves us with Evan Bourne to go for the belt. I have high hopes that this will be a pretty good match but there’s no reason to put the strap on Bourne – so they won’t.
Who Should Win: Matt Hardy
Who Will Win: Matt Hardy
Thoughts: Matt’s right, Henry has no chance. Heels don’t get voted into title matches unless they’re geeks the fans know for certain won’t beat their hero, like The Miz Last year in the ECW title match against CM Punk. Finlay has a shot, but Evan’s getting the vote. I’m looking forward to that match, It could be a lot of fun if they give it some time. Then again, no matter who they put in there it should be decent. Yes, even Henry. The match those 2 had at No Mercy was surprisingly good.
Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella vs. the fan’s choice of Rodney the Piper, the Honky Donkey Man or Goldendust.
Who Should Win: Santino
Who Will Win: Santion
Thoughts: As much as I’d like to see Honky win his belt bck – I just don’t see it. But I love Santino. He’s about the only enjoyable thing on Raw right now and they might as well keep that little bit of entertainment going.
Who Should Win: Santino…Unless he’s wrestling Honky
Who Will Win: Santino
Thoughts: Piper could sneak in there, but my money’s on the Honky Donkey Man. As much as I’m looking forward to this, it’s happening way too soon. Honky and Santino shouldn’t meet in the ring until the Honk-A-Meter shows that they’re a week away from being tied for longest IC title reign. I should know better than to expect that kind of long-term build for anything, but a guy can dream.
Fan’s choice of the following tag team matches: Miz & John Morrison vs. Cryme Tyme, William Regal & Layla vs. Jamie Noble & Mickie James or World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. CM Punk & Kofi Kingston.
Who Should Win: Cryme Tyme
Who Will Win: Cryme Tyme
Thoughts: Now this match may never happen as the voting here is to determine which match actually happens. I have to think it will be this one as it’s getting the most TV time and Cryme Tyme seem to be getting over. Witht hat said, the result is irrelevant. There is a good chance that the retards will vote for the Rhodes/DiBiase vs Punk/Kingston because it’s a title match but DiBiase and Rhodes are horribly boring so I’m hoping that’s not the case.
Who Should Win: Cryme Tyme or Rhodes and DiBiase
Who Will Win: Cryme Time or Rhodes and DiBiase
Thoughts: If you think we’re seeing the Regal match, you’re insane. Let’s get that out of the way right off the bat. I think this could be a close vote. The Cryme Tyme vs. Miz and Morrison feud has been getting a lot of attention, but getting to see a title match with CM Punk in it could be the deciding factor for a lot of people. If that’s what we get, those people are going to wind up disappointed because there’s no way the belts are coming off of Rhodes and DiBiase, at least not as long as they’re still building up to the third generation stars stable or whatever it is they’re doing with them and Orton. If that match doesn’t happen, Cryme Tyme will win, the match will be fine, and there will be nothing more to say.
Rey Mysterio vs. Kane in the fan’s choice of a Falls Count Anywhere match, a No Holds Barred match or a 2 Out Of 3 Falls match.
Who Should Win: Rey
Who Will Win: Rey
Thoughts: Kane has long-since outlived his usefulness to the company and Rey is still a draw. Everyone loves the underdog story so I would assume Rey goes over. I guess we just forget about the whole mask thing that Kane wanted gone a month ago…
Who Should Win: Rey
Who Will Win: Rey
Thoughts: Does anybody still care about this feud? Did anybody care about it to start with? Kane is trying his best to make the most of some awfully shitty material from “Creative” (which has pretty much been the story of his career when you think about it), but as good as he is in his character, things just aren’t working out. Hopefully Rey wins a Falls Count Anywhere match and this storyline quietly ends.
The Undertaker vs. Big Show with the fan’s choice of a Knockout Match, an I Quit match or a Last Man Standing match.
Who Should Win: Big Show
Who Will Win: Undertaker
Thoughts: It’s hard to imagine which match fans will vote for here but my guess will be an “I Quit” because it leads to weapons. “Taker jobbed a month ago so he gets his win back this weekend. However, if they were smart they would let Big Show destroy him again which would make him strong and a legitimate monster which the company doesn’t currently have.
Who Should Win: Big show
Who Will Win: Big Show
Thoughts: I have no idea what type of match people will choose, but it sure as shit won’t be a Knockout match. That would favour the heel, plus I Quits and Last Man Standings are good more often than not. I’m picking Big Show to go over no matter the match so they can keep the storyline going until Edge comes back. If Taker wins then we’re short one main event program on Smackdown, and a Triple H vs. Vladimir Kozlov title series isn’t selling a single buy.
WWE Diva Halloween Costume contest.
Who Should Win: EVERYONE loses.
Who Will Win: WWE has 40 of my hard earned dollars. So I guess them
Thoughts: I refuse to acknowledge that this is even happening.
Who Should Win: Iron Mike Sharpe
Who Will Win: Barry Horowitz. He will then pat himself on the back for a job well done.
Thoughts: I wish this thing would be that awesome, but it’s just chicks dressing up as stuff. If anybody cares, I’ll be dressed as a person who does not give fuck number 1 about this segment.
United States Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. the fan’s choice of MVP, R-Truth or Festus.
Did not submit a pick for this match. I think it was added after he sent his sheet to me.
WhoShould Win: R-Truth
Who Will Win: Shelton…Unless R-Truth wins the vote
Thoughts: R-Truth and Shelton have had a nice little angle going on Smackdown, so I expect that’s the match we’ll be getting. This match won’t be on the pay-per-view itself, but will instead be streamed on around 20 minutes before the main show starts. It makes sense for Truth to win the belt here even though it kind of leaves Shelton in a bad spot. The build has suggested that he’ll be getting it sooner or later, and I could see WWE making the switch in an attempt to give the show an anything can happen type feel and maybe even drive a few more last minute impulse buys.
That’s all there is, there ain’t no more. Enjoy the show if possible, and we’ll be back with another one of these next…yeah right. when we do one we do one. No promises. Promises and us don’t mix well.