Last Updated on: 11th February 2015, 03:38 pm
Ann Adams, who always has something interesting to add when she comments, is having trouble commenting. Every time she tries, it says the following: “Subscribe error: This email has previously unsubscribed from all mailings (email blocked)”
So my question is is anyone else having this problem? Obviously, it would be dumb to tell anyone having trouble commenting to comment, so if you’re seeing that error message, email Steve. I think you can find his address. It’s in the top little thingamabob with all our names, and it’s on the bottom of every post he’s ever written. We’re looking into what could have possibly gone wrong, and I wondered if this was happening to more people than poor Ann, but that’s bad enough.
Even better, if you’ve been through this and you have a HaloScan comment board, he wants to hear from you too. More instances of the problem are good, but a solution that isn’t buried in forum posts is even more awesome!