Last Updated on: 27th November 2013, 08:54 am
Amazingly, somebody haspublicly come out in supportof the decision to stop singing the national anthem at the Belleisle elementary school in New Brunswick. If you don’t remember how I felt about it,here’s what I said at the time.
I have to say before I go any further that I do somewhat respect Kelly Cooper. She believes enough in what she’s saying to open herself up to a lot of bad press and likely a lot of attacks on her character, warranted and otherwise. To be honest I expected this story to crawl off and die once the decision was made to put the anthem back into the school where it always should have been, so to see that at least one of these people has the guts to state her position surprised me. Usually once they’ve been beaten with the sanity stick slimebags like this try to get as far down the biggest hole they can find to get away from the scrutiny, so no matter how wrong I think she is, I’ll give her points for sticking around and trying to justify what myself and many others feel is her totally stupid opinion.
With that said, my praise for this woman ends right there. Seriously, listen to some of this horseshiiit.
Kelly Cooper, the vice-chair of the Parent School Support Committee at Belleisle Elementary, said the anthem controversy that erupted last week subjected the school and its principal to unfair hostility and created an “us-against-them” mentality in the community.
Hostility sure, unfair…not so much. Canadians, like citizens of many other countries I’d suspect, tend to get a little testy when a few wingnuts take it upon themselves to decide that our national symbols are no longer good enough for anybody. If they’re not good enough for you that’s fine, but last I checked it was still up to me to decide for myself whether or not I’m doin’ fine.
“We all have our reasons to sing or not sing the anthem. But for me this is about how do we treat the people who are different in our community,” Cooper said.
Am I crazy, or did she just solve her own problem?
“We all have our reasons to sing or not sing the anthem.”
Yeah, that’s kind of what we’ve been saying all along. You can have your reasons for staying quiet while at the same time I can have my own reasons for singing my little heart out whenever I get the chance. Until you fools came along, that’s pretty much how it worked. We coexisted because that’s what we do. We quietly respect people’s decisions without trying to force our will on those who appear to have a will of their own.
“How do we treat the people who disagree with us? Do we respect them, listen to their point of view, or does the majority say, ‘We’re the majority, too bad for you and we’ve got rights.’ That doesn’t make me feel very comfortable.”
You know what doesn’t make me feel very comfortable? Somebody on a school committee who doesn’t understand what a majority is.
I’m also not sure I’m comfortable with the idea of a minority dictating to a majority. If the millions of us who want to sing can’t collectively pull out our rights card, why can the 10 or 12 of you? What makes any of you any more special than all of us? Is your right to be pains in the ass strong enough to trump our right to be proud of ourselves and to live our lives the way we see fit? No respectable Canadian is going to walk around telling you to stop being from wherever your origins are, so how’s about returning the favour?
Cooper said the welcoming environment at Belleisle Elementary has been damaged because of the anthem debate.
She said she would rather her two daughters miss out on the daily singing of O Canada than have other students feel excluded for a length of time each day.
I’m trying hard to process that and spin it into something logical, I really am. You don’t want to exclude anybody because it’s a horrible feeling…so you’re going to exclude your own kids? Uh-huh. For their sake I hope they grow up to be very successful so they can pay for all the therapy they’re gonna need to try to fix the results of 20 years of mom thinkin’.
The Belleisle Creek mother said the divisions created by the debate have altered the close-knit atmosphere in the rural school.
“Two weeks ago that’s what we had, a school where parents felt like a community. It was a warm place,” she said. “Now we have division, but we have the anthem every day. And I hope the people who wanted the anthem every day feel that it’s worth it.”
Whaaaat? Like honestly, are you for real? I hope all you people who have been living your lives happily for decades upon decades are happy with yourselves now that you’ve gotten order restored? You gest, yes?
Why is it our fault that you caused an uproar where we didn’t need one? Your actions divided the community and the country along Canadian/Nutcase lines while the rest of us were content, and somehow that’s our problem? Just…wow.
Please, do me one favour if you could. If ever you happen to do another interview, kindly show the reporter where you hide those massive testicles of yours, because they’ve gotta be some big ones for you to be able to make a statement like that and actually believe it. I haven’t seen balls like thatin a long, long time.
Once you’ve solved that mystery for us, you can feel free to crawl into that big hole I talked about earlier and not bother us anymore, please and thank you.