Last Updated on: 21st March 2014, 06:47 am
Hey everybody. Hope you’re all doing well. I’m happy that we’ve finally gotten a few days of summer weather in a row, it’s about time. I swear we did a weather swap with the west coast this year. They’re frying in the miserable heat while we’re getting drenched with rain and the temperatures are fairly cool by summer standards. Hopefully this will hold up for the weekend so that Carin can enjoy the Falls and my family stuff doesn’t get dumped on.
Speaking of Carin, we’ve been texting back and forth a little bit and it sounds like her trip is going well so far. I’ll let her fill in the details when she gets back, but from the sounds of it everybody’s happy, including the dog.
The behind the scenes site stuff continues to plug along. We’ve got posts tagged up to about half way through 2006, so we’re making nice progress there. Once that’s done, then the real fun can begin.
Ok, time for a few wrestling and UFC thoughts, so if you’re not interested, see ya later.
I was just reading that Jenna Morasca posted a big message on her blog defending the match she had against Sharmell at the TNA Victory Road pay-per-view a couple weeks back. That’s interesting. when I tried to write the word back a couple sentences ago I had to fix it because I ended up writing bad. It’s interesting because that’s exactly what the show was, and the Jenna match might have been the worst of all.
But anyway, her basic point was that she knows fans weren’t happy with the match, but that we can’t judge it like we would other matches because this was the first time she had ever wrestled. Essentially what she said was, don’t blame me, I did the best I could and I’m proud of myself for getting into the ring and doing something a lot of people will never do. and you know what? In a sense she’s right. The blame doesn’t completely lie with her. You can argue that maybe she didn’t go over the match enough or whatever and that could well be true, but in the end, she didn’t make the call to put that match on the PPV, TNA did. If you want to come down on somebody for how bad it was, blame whoever it was in the company who made that decision. There’s no excuse for not having them work on this match every day either on house shows or in a ring they set up for people to train in. and if I’m wrong and that’s what they were doing for hours upon hours every day, then there’s no excuse for letting this match make air on a show that people are paying $30 to watch. It would have been a bad match on Impact, but the difference is that at least it’s a bad match that everybody gets to see for free, even the people who attend the tapings since TNA doesn’t charge admission. A debacle like this on pay-per-view is insulting to all of the fans who think enough of your product in spite of Impact to lay down their hard earned money on it expecting to see the best the company has to offer. Jenna has the right to be proud of her bad match because with time and effort she might get better (lord knows she can’t get much worse), but TNA has no right to be proud of anything because even though they should know better, they’ve been putting on bad shows for years and years without so much as a hint of improvement.
I finally got around to watching UFC 100. Yeah, only a couple weeks late. It was a good show, but not good to the level of Lesnar vs. Couture from last year, which might have been the best MMA show from top to bottom I’ve ever seen. I don’t have a whole lot to say about it, but a couple things do come to mind.
First, Alan Belcher vs. Yoshihiro Akiyama. What fight were the judges watching? I know this stuff can be debated until the end of time and I know there are people who think Akiyama won,but I’m not one of them. It wasn’t by any means a total massacre, but I think Belcher did more damage and probably should have taken it. If you don’t agree, at least give me this much. The judge who scored it 30-27 is completely ridiculous.
The biggest story coming out of the show was the post match promo that Brock Lesnar cut after he won. People are all up in arms over it, including Dana White. He and others say that Lesnar went over the line and was acting too much like a pro wrestler. If you’ll allow me to speak Mr. White’s language for a second, fuck you people. Dana White is as much a personality as anybody fighting in MMA today because he knows that’s what sells, so to say that Brock went over the line is just ignorant. Dana can call guys fucking retards and fags, but Brock can’t get in a dig at Bud Light because they’re a sponsor or say that Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass when he beat him last time? Blow me! Sports, in particular the combat ones, are as much about entertainment as they are competition. Do you think that Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali would have been the stars they were and are if they didn’t have personalities to go along with what they could do in the ring? Of course not. Stars maybe, icons no. And saying that you don’t want to inject wrestling into MMA is just absurd. It’s already there. You have entrance music for the fighters, not to mention that before each fight, guys are talking about how so and so is no good and how they’re going to knock him into next year or tear his arm off and take it home. All of that comes straight from that horrible fake crap you all say you hate so much, so get a clue. Brock is doing what any smart businessman would do. He’s marketing his personality and trying to sell tickets, and damn, the guy’s a natural. Why he was no good at this during his wrestling days is a mystery that will likely never be solved,but oh well.
That’s all for now. Hopefully I’ll have more to say later today, but if not, have a good weekend and try to stay cool and dry.