Last Updated on: 30th May 2023, 04:20 pm
Ok, explain to me why a bunch of fellows who are locked up because they’re criminally insane needed to go to a county fair. Or, explain to me why 33 of ’em were sent with 11 supervisors. A 3 to 1 ratio is ok when you’re talking about kids, but I think these guys need a little tighter supervision. The reason I ask this is one of ’em, Phillip Paul, got away. Luckily they caught him a couple of days later, and discovered that he had a backpack with most of his clothes in it. this brings me to another question. How did he manage to get that out withoutit being checked? The only way I could see is if he gave it to a visitor who then passed it off to him later. Let’s hope that was how it got out.
Yikes. It’s not good when a psychiatrist says of all the folks with paranoid schizophrenia, this guy’s the only one who scared him. With someone like that, if he needs a carnival, bring it to him and his buddies. I don’t think he should be let loose in a local county fair. Eek.