Last Updated on: 28th January 2018, 10:45 pm
I was beginning to wonder how it could be that we made it through a holiday based pretty much entirely on food without hearing about anyone getting beaten with some of it. Well,good things come to those who wait.Thank you, yet to be identified Texas brother and sister.
The 26-year old brother from Texas City and 23-year-old sister from Alvin began arguing at their parents’ home in Algoa about 4 p.m. Thanksgiving Day.
As the dispute grew heated, the brother threatened to heave a piece of pecan pie that he was warming in a microwave oven, Tuttoilmondo said. An attempt by the mother to calm the argument failed and the brother carried out his threat, shoving the pie in his sister’s face.
Sheriff’s deputies were called and the sister sought medical treatment for burns to the left side of her face and neck, Tuttoilmondo said. She later tried to have the case dropped, but under Texas law, family violence cases must be prosecuted.
Police are currently working on the warrant for the brother’s arrest, so the story about him being put to death should be on its way any time now.