Last Updated on: 12th September 2020, 07:29 am
New Device Desirable, Old Device Undesirable
Able to remain operational for longer periods of time and occupy a demonstrably smaller three-dimensional space, the new device is so advanced when compared to the old device that it makes the old device appear much older than it actually is. However, the new device is reportedly not so radically different as to cause confusion or unwanted anxiety among those familiar with the feel of the old device.“Its higher price indicates to me that it is superior, and that not everyone will be able to afford it, which only makes me want to possess it more,” said Tim Sturges, owner of the old device, which he obtained 18 months ago when it was still the new device. “I feel a strong urge to purchase the new device. Owning the new device will please me and improve my daily life.”
“It’s difficult to remember how I ever found enjoyment in my old device,” Sturges continued. “It is no longer appealing to the eye.”
Am I the only one who reads this and hears the voice from aVestibulessketch in my head?