Last Updated on: 20th November 2013, 03:10 pm
Two Jewish guys, Goldman and Hirschberg, are talking one morning.
“I h-h-h-have a j-j-j-job inter-r-r-veiw t-t-t-today,” says Goldman.
“Really? What kind of job,” asks Hirschberg.
“I’m au-au-au-audition-n-n-ning to b-b-b-e an anoun-n-n-ncer a-a-a-a-t a r-r-r-radio st-st-st-station,” stammers Goldman.
“I hope it goes well,” replies Hirschberg.
Later that day they meet again.
“How did your interview go,” Hirschberg asks.
“N-n-n-not g-g-g-g-good, th-th-those r-r-racist ba-ba-bastards d-d-d-d-don’t h-h-h-h-hire j-j-j-j-jews.”