Last Updated on: 21st June 2018, 09:38 am
A while ago, I learned about this cool little weekly email called Accessibility News. I finally got subscribed, and what do I see in the first issue I receive? Something I didn’t know that is definitely useful to me! I learned where folks in Canada can send their Perkins Brailler! So, I figured I’d send the info on for anyone else who may want it.
Perkins Brailler, Service and General Repairs The Perkins Brailler, an integral tool in the life of those Canadian’s living with a sensory disability and key to their ability to produce and communicate through the use of Braille. For those Canadians who have come to depend on this tool, where do you get this important device serviced or repaired without having to ship it to the US?
A Canadian solution, utilizing official Perkins parts and components we can clean, service and perform general repairs to your Perkins Brailler without the headaches of shipping to the US. We offer competitive pricing, effective customer service and prompt turn around times for servicing and repairing your Brailler. For further details or to schedule a servicing of your Perkins Brailler, send an E-mail to:
Neat! I always knew about, but he’s American, and I’m Canadian, and if I can avoid shipping my brailler across the border, I’m down with that. I’ll have to try them out next time my poor old beast is in need of repair. I’ve had the machine since I was 4. Now there, there’s something that’ll make it through the long hall!
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