Last Updated on: 30th December 2015, 06:00 pm
Jen sent me this request for participation on how us blinks get around, so I figured I would put it up here so anyone who is interested could participate. It doesn’t appear to have a deadline, and I think at least everybody in North America could participate, as it says zip or postal code. The info is below.
Request for Participation — Smith-Kettlewell Wayfinding Survey
The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute (S-K), in collaboration with researchers at Accessible Design for the Blind and U.C. Santa Barbara, is conducting a survey of wayfinding tools and techniques used by blind and visually-impaired people in their every-day lives. If you have already participated in our survey, we would like to thank you very much for your help. If you have not yet taken our survey, we would like to invite you to do so. We want to know how you get around, how comfortable you feel in various situations, what other disabilities you have, and what tools and techniques you use in your daily travels. By participating in the S-K Wayfinding Survey, you will extend our knowledge of how real blind and visually-impaired people travel independently. You will also help to improve the independence of future travelers with visual disabilities by sharing your experience.
You can participate in the S-K Wayfinding survey on the web, by phone, or by TTY. The survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete, and your responses will be completely confidential. We eagerly look forward to your participation and thank you in advance for your help.
To take the survey on the web or ask questions about it:
Take the survey by phone: (415) 345-2013 — We will call you back.
Take the survey by TTY: (415) 345-2290 — We will call you back.
Please share this announcement with any individuals or lists you think might be interested. If you do forward it, please take the time to remove any extra e-mail headers to improve readability.
Again, we thank you for your valuable assistance with this important research project.
Joshua A. Miele, Ph.D.
The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
2318 Fillmore St
San Francisco, CA 94115