Last Updated on: 23rd September 2016, 10:37 am
In our last ad roundup, I mentioned wishing I had audio for a couple of ads. Well, I’ve made my own audio, courtesy of a Victor Reader Stream and a TV. Apologies if the audio is a little loud. If I didn’t get close, it would be too quiet.
So, here are the two Super 8 commercials I mentioned. There’s pie-loving, stupid-sounding Sweet Cheeks, and Jude and her baby, where he chuckles where he says he has low rates. Yup, that’s the new Super 8 voice. Blech!
There was another commercial that I wanted to make fun of in the last roundup, mostly because it annoys the hell out of us. But I didn’t think it would make any sense without the audio to hear. So, here’s Rogers Tech Talk Roger talking to Bill about HD. It really gets annoying.
It really gets annoying?
When everything gets repeated twice.
When everything gets repeated twice?
And the second guy has a really high-pitched, grating voice.
And the second guy has a really high-pitched, grating voice? Are you sure about this?
Well, I keep hearing it twice, so I’m convinced!
I keep hearing it twice, and want to strangle the second guy, so I’m convinced too!
It’s a shame, because when they manage to make commercials that at least make you chuckle about cellphones being dropped into a huge vat of nacho cheese, or being eaten by great danes, why’d they have to go and unleash that attrocity on us? And they love playing that goddamn commercial, sometimes more than the cellphone ones.
Apologies on the great dane commercial. I had a hell of a time catching that commercial, so once I had one that was half-way decent, I gave up.
Well, that’s about it for our audio extravaganza. I can’t believe I spent several blue jays games chasing those suckers down. Now when half of an inning is over, I get all ready to run to the TV to catch commercials. No no no. I don’t have to anymore.