Last Updated on: 26th September 2013, 03:23 pm
Floridian Tony Gustin, 41, found himself in the Bradenton courthouse yesterday thanks to what was described as a “minor traffic incident.” But afterthe day he had,something tells me he’ll be back there sooner than he’d like and this time things won’t be quite so minor.
Things started out innocently enough. While in an elevator, Gustin struck up a friendly conversation with a fellow passenger. Unfortunately, things got a little too friendly when the 19-year-old woman reached her floor. According to a police report, Gustin reached out, grabbed the woman’s left breast and squeezed it as she exited the elevator. Then, being the gentleman he clearly is, he told her “thank you and have a nice day.”
for some reason, perhaps because there’s no pleasing some people, the woman reported the incident to a courthouse worker.
Gustin was later located on the 6th floor of the building, and this is where things go from bad to worse. Much, much worse.
A second woman then approached investigators to report that the same man had just been masturbating in front of her moments earlier.
When questioned about the incidents, Guston denied groping the first woman, but left open the possibility that something may have happened in the second case.
As for the second woman, he acknowledged that he “called a girl over to him because he thought he knew her.” While admitting that his hands were in his pants, Gustin said, “I had an itch.”
When cop Debbie Perry then asked why he would call someone over while itching himself, Gustin had a simple explanation: “Because I thought she might itch it for me.”
Gustin is currently being held in the Manatee County jail on a misdemeanor battery count in lieu of $750.
Normally I’d try to say something witty right now, but I’m pretty sure there’s no topping “I thought she might itch it for me.” Before settling on topping I had originally written beating, but I figure there’s already more than enough beating going on here.