Snow Removal info for Guelph

Last Updated on: 17th September 2015, 09:44 am

I thought I would put this up on the blog for fellow Guelphites with disabilities who may or may not read here. I found out about this at the last committee meeting I was at, but that was the day before taking the grey dog home, so I was kinda busy.

This was published in the Guelph Tribune, but only in the dead tree version. Fail! I pulled it out of the PDF version of said paper, but there’s no online reference to it. So here, here’s your online reference.

It’s snow time!

When Guelph experiences a snowfall or icy conditions, the City’s winter control services jumps into action to clear, sand or salt more than 1,200 km of roadway within 24 hours of the end of the storm.

After a significant snow fall, sidewalks and bus stops can take up to five days to be cleared.

With any snowfall comes a challenge for some residents to keep their sidewalks and driveways shovelled, ice-free and safe. Be a good neighbour and help clear snow and ice for seniors and for those with special needs.

The City of Guelph is committed to providing its winter control services in an accessible manner. Please contact 519-837-5648 to report a winter control accessibility concern. Visit for more information.

Do you know what that means, folks? If there’s a bank of snow not letting you get to a curb cut in your wheelchair, call that number. If snow has been piled around an accessible pedestrian signal (you know, one of those blind guy peep peep lights), call that number. If your sidewalk has become a resting place for a giant bank of snow, call that number. Folks with disabilities have their own number! Woohoo!

And please, everybody else, don’t use it to report a storm or other run of the mill snow-related concern. This is for accessibility concerns specifically.

I have to say how cool is that?

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