Last Updated on: 17th March 2015, 10:32 am
Back before I headed home for the holidays, I said on Twitter that HMV Digital told me I won a prize pack just because I had sent an album to someone as a gift. Who knew a birthday thingamabob could get me to win stuff?
Well, they fedexed me the package, or tried to, while I was away. Thanks to the vigilence of Huppy’s mom, I found out about it and managed to get delivery delayed until I was back home to receive it.
And I received it yesterday. I didn’t know what to expect when I opened it. I told her what kinds of music I liked, and she told me she thought she had the perfect prize pack for me. Hmmm. Would she be correct?
As I opened the box, I found an envelope inside. Inside that were what looked like 4 CD’s and a DVD! Holy crap! That, that be a prize pack!
It’s really neat opening a box of stuff that you have no idea what it is. You basically have to stick them in the computer and hope it knows. If it doesn’t quite know, then you’re in big trouble. In several cases, the computer had to offer me a few choices.
The first CD I put in was by a guy named Charlie Winston. I only listened to the first song because I wanted to know what else was in the pack. I’m so impatient. But what I heard I think I’ll like. It kinda had this blues sound to it that I was enjoying. I don’t know where he’s from, but it sounded like it was far away.
Next up turned out to be the newest Sarah Harmer album! Super sweeeet! I’ve always liked her, even though I hadn’t bought her stuff before.
The next album was by Basia Bulat. I’d never heard of her, but I liked what I heard. And it’s a pretty new album too! This prize pack seriously rocks my socks off!
Next up was Meaghan Smith. It looked like a double CD but then I noticed that one was a CD and the other was a DVD. Hmmm! Way cool! It looks like the CD is an EP, but we get a few more songs on the DVD. The audio is claiming there’s only 11 minutes of audio. Is that normal for a DVD sent with a CD?
Now we’re down to the final item, what looks like a DVD. But it’s not just 1 DVD, it’s 4 of ’em! Wooooo! It appears to be a double DVD of something called cleo, the movie “All About Eve” and the movie “Norma Rae”! How awesome is that?
So yeah, that was my prize pack. Pretty neato. And on top of that, I won a free mp3 from HMVDigital for buying an album during their 12 days of Christmas. Wow! I didn’t even know there was a contest going on, and I double won! Now, what mp3 do I want?
So yeah, the lady thought she had done well. Mission accomplished! Maybe when I have a little more time, I’ll review the albums.