Last Updated on: 3rd August 2017, 10:54 am
Raising a child can be hard work. But it should never be such hard work that it causes mom and dad tosaunter into a Wendy’s and pass out, leaving their 5-year-old daughter to talk to strangers a couple tables away.
Police say it was very difficult to wake the pair up and they had to shake the couple several times.
When Kristy Haney woke up, officers asked for her ID. She opened her purse, and police say they found a bag of marijuana and a “hose clamp” in plain view inside. They also allegedly found two cut straws, a couple of opana pills and a bottle of diazepam filled with 60 pills.
Both Kristy and husband Keven are charged with possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of controlled substances and endangering the welfare of a minor.
Question: Is it weird that I’m kind of disappointed that we never get to find out what if anything they ordered? I think it is, but for some reason it feels like an important detail.