Last Updated on: 19th April 2016, 12:45 pm
Sorry this is going up so late, and sorry for the general neglect of this place over the last little while. Laziness, busyness, illness, hung overness and going out and having funness haven’t made for the best of reading lately. Hopefully things can start getting back to normal soon, but to hold you over until that happens, have this.
About a year ago, Carin won a homemade blanket from Ro in a contest. At long last, that blanket and a bonus gift arrived at our door on Friday. So Saturday night, as we promised we would, we hit record and opened it. We also opened some drinks and managed to turn a simple blanket unboxing into a couple hours of fun and stupidity. Don’t worry, it’s split into 3 parts in order to make things easier for everybody.
I was going to write up detailed show notes with links to all the stuff we talked about, but to be honest, I’m so not feelin’ that right now. If you’re curious enough about something to want to know more, just ask. There are lots of ways to ask.
Part 1runs about 32 minutes. Topics include but are probably not limited to why we’re here, Carin’s dog difficulties, how the hell UPS works, why Steve doesn’t track packages, the usage of tweeps and words like it including calling a specific person out on the problem she doesn’t want to admit she has, why we both almost didn’t get on Twitter, why Maggie Laidlaw sucks now and a bit of Guelph city politics, the blog is moving, new slogans and political ads.
Part 2clocks in at 49 minutes. Carin explains the contest and we open the box. Then things go wrong. Actually things kind of go wrong before the box is even open, but that’s just because I’m an asshole and enjoy tasteless jokes. There’s also some other random talk including religious douchebags on Twitter and things that annoy us about them and religion in general, replacing the C word with a K word, 1000 Ways To die, a horrible injury, the KNFB reader, why technology isn’t perfect and an epic fail.
Part 3,AKA the part we didn’t think we’d have. the KNFB unbroke within about 3 minutes of us signing off, so we hit record again and did the colour identifying thing. We also talk about why it’s kinda dangerous for blind people to wear winter hats, things sighted people do to the blind, blind people who don’t represent us well, people who can’t text and a couple of huppy stories. We went about 52 minutes here, or about 20 or so minutes longer than perhaps we should have. Ah well, can’t win ’em all. Still sorta neat if you’ve never seen a KNFB reader or a phone that can recognize colours. Besides, a bunch of this was done mainly for a few people so as long as they enjoyed it, I’m ok with that.
Happy downloading.