Access Recreation Day

Last Updated on: 21st April 2015, 04:13 pm

I haven’t talked in a while about what the Guelph Barrier Free Committees is up to on the subject of recreation. Well, we’ve been busy!

We’re planning an event that I think has the potential to be really awesome if we can get lots of people out to it. It’s called Access Recreation Day and it’s happening on June 2 at the West End Community Centre in Guelph.

The event has two parts. From noon until 6, we have a bunch of local organizations who promote or support recreation for people with different disabilities all coming to sit at tables and be available for people to come and learn about what they do. And, in the gym from 3:15 until 5:00, we’ll actually be able to play a couple of sports. We have representatives from Ontario Blind Sports Association and Ontario Wheelchair Sports Association coming to lead us in games of Goalball and wheelchair basketball. How cool is that? People can come out and actually play some Goalball or wheelchair basketball and learn first-hand how much fun it can be.

I’ve been promoting this like mad in the hopes that we’ll get lots of people out. Maybe you can help me out. Here’s a PDF flyer. Here’s the text of the flyer:

National Access Awareness Week
Access Recreation Day
Demonstrations and Information (free)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Backpeddling Bicycle Emporium
Canadian Paraplegic Association
City of Guelph Recreation Services
Guelph Enabling Garden
Guelph Barrier Free Committees
Cyndy McLean
Ontario Blind Sports Association
Ontario Wheelchair Sports Association
Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre and more . . .
3:15 to 5:00 p.m.
Wheelchair basketball
“Come on out and give it a try!”
12:00 noon until 6:00 p.m.
West End Community Centre
21 Imperial Road South
Guelph, Ontario
Sponsored by the Guelph Barrier Free Committees
T 519-265-8996, TTY 519-837-5688

And just so you can laugh at me, here’s my ad I made for CFRU. Don’t I sound chipper? Every time I do one of these, I sound kind of surly in one spot. In this case, I think it’s when I talk about Twitter. But the event is freeee! God I’m a dork.

But whether or not you think I’m a dork, you should come out to this event. Tell your friends! We want lots of people to come out and think more seriously about people with disabilities taking part in recreation too.

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