Last Updated on: 4th May 2016, 01:05 pm
The story of Nekiva Hardy and her Burger King distruction is finally reaching its end…for now at least.
Hardy, who we’ve written about here, here, here and here, plead no contest to a variety of charges and was sentenced to 45 days in jail. Since she’s already spent about a month in custody, she’ll be free to go any time now. But have no fear, she’s not getting off that easily. Along with the jail time, Hardy is on probation for 5 years, must perform 100 hours of community service, complete an anger management program and pay fines, court costs and restitution totaling somewhere in the neighbourhood of $5000. She’s also been banned from every Burger King in Bay County, the place where she got herself into all this trouble.
I’m going to miss these updates a little, but since she’s not banned from every BK in the world, I may not be missing them forever.