The invitation to upgrade to iOS 7 has been sitting on my phone for a few days now, but I still haven’t bothered. Partly because headaches, partly because I’m going away soon and the last thing I need is a phone that doesn’t work and partly because I want time to read things like this article Carin found yesterday so I know what I’m getting into when I do take the plunge. The Three Most Annoying Things In iOS 7 And How To Fix Them
Number 2 would make me want to commit homicides by the score, so I’m glad to know it can be adjusted. I like the idea of a passcode, but who decided that by default it needed to be entered every time you stop molesting your phone for a second or 2?
Number 1 also sounds like it could be a teeny bit infuriating. How does the new style app switcher work in Voiceover? Does it somehow work the same way as it does now or is there something mysterious I need to know before the homicides start up again?
The article is a quick read and is probably worth the couple minutes it’ll take you to get through it. Ignore it if you wish, but if you end up like this poor little guy, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
A helpful person on Twitter (which is where a lot of the comments come from now since Echo killed our comments section dead) tells me that the app switcher in iOS 7 is actually better in Voiceover. You can 3 finger swipe up to close things instead of doing the double tap and hold thing we do now. That sounds neat.
Oh, and I still haven’t upgraded, but thinking about it soon now that a couple of fix it version have been released.