So, Christopher M. Miller. After a long 15 years in the slammer for robbing a shoe store with a box cutter, you’re finally free. What are you going to do now?
Think I’m gonna head back there and rob it again, but without a weapon this time.
When Christopher M. Miller woke up Friday morning, he was on the verge of being freed from South Woods State Prison in Bridgeton. A little more than 24 hours later, he returned to the scene of his crime — the Stride Rite shoe store on Hooper Avenue in Toms River — and demanded cash from the store’s two employees, police said.
Miller took the cash register containing $389 but the workers refused his demand to turn over their car keys, authorities said. Instead, Miller took cellphones belonging to a 17-year-old boy and a 43-year-old woman before fleeing on foot.
Police tracked Miller down on a nearby street, and also managed to recover the phones and cash from their hiding places.
You can probably guess the next place to which he returned. At last word he was being held there on $100,000 bail.