Last Updated on: 3rd January 2016, 07:59 pm
Dear Philip Ubdegrove:
It doesn’t matter who takes the baby to the hospital. The important thing is that he gets there. Mom is surely just as qualified to deal with issues of bleeding junk as you are. You don’t have to own one to know it needs a mechanic, as they say. And by they I mean me, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone else say that. It’s good advice, though.
The unusual incident at a Millwood Crescent townhouse complex in Kitchener stemmed from a heated argument between Ubdegrove and his girlfriend over who would take the three-week-old boy to the hospital.
Court heard the baby had been bleeding excessively and vomiting since getting circumcised a few days earlier.
But when his mother said she was going to take the boy for treatment, Ubdegrove refused to let her go.
During the ensuing argument, Ubdegrove twice grabbed her phone and threw it while she tried to call an ambulance, eventually smashing it against a wall.
The woman then called police from a pay phone while Ubdegrove grabbed the baby, put him in a stroller and started walking to a bus stop.
When police arrived, he took off running, twice tipping the stroller over and once punching an officer in the face before he was finally arrested.
Alcohol is said not to have been a factor in the incident. I was legitimately shocked by that even though I’m fully aware that some folks are just nutty.
The Crown was hoping to put Ubdegrove behind bars for 3 months, but his lawyer argued it down to 30 days saying among other things that he had taken a parenting class and that he “got a lot out of it.” Comforting, that. He was also given a year of probation.
The baby okay?
that guy got away too easy.
Story says baby wasn’t hurt, which seems like a minor miracle.