Sorry for the sudden quiet. Between dealing with some headache unpleasantness and some other unpleasantness that took me out of town for a bit and has me feeling a little down, I haven’t been having the greatest week. But this one’s an easy post, so I figure I’ll pop it up before maybe or maybe not disappearing again.
Now and then, people still ask me where Matt is and what he’s up to now. We don’t talk as much as we used to (it’s nothing personal) so I don’t always have a good answer, but he emailed me last night about a new project he’s trying to get off the ground so I’ll let him tell you what it is and how you can keep tabs on it.
Me and buddy of mine have started up a podcast network. So far with two shows. Tall Can Sports and Audio Whiplash.
TCS focuses on exactly what you’d suspect a sports show would. Sports. ‘Nuf said.
Audio Whiplash covers pretty much whatever is topical or on my mind at the time and it’s a lot more free flowing week to week.
The most recent episode of Audio Whiplash is up now and talks about the best and worst from the world of live music while the current TCS just went up today looking back at the Memorial Cup and previewing the Stanley Cup Final.
I was hoping maybe you’d throw something up on the blog if you were interested to help us keep spreading the word. All the shows are at but the easiest way to get the shows is obviously to subscribe via iTunes or any other podcast app by searching Tall Can Audio. The shows all also get posted on “Tall Can Audio” on Facebook and at @TallCanSports and @TallCanAudio on Twitter and we’re looking for followers to all of them.
Would really appreciate it if you could talk it up a bit with a post.
If you’ve been reading long enough to remember Matt or even if you just stumbled onto any of his stuff while looking around you know he’s an entertaining guy, so I have no problem telling you to go listen to his podcasts even if I haven’t yet. And hey, in audio form he won’t be able to misspell anything, so bonus!
Good luck with the new shows, dude.
See, my favourite part of the post is the not-so-subtle spelling job. I knew when I sent the request that was the the joke I was opening myself up for. Like wide-open!
And in a strange way I’d have been devasted if you didn’t take that meatball left hanging out over the plate and smash it back to the wall.
Luckily this wasn’t the case. At worst it was a stand up double.
Look forward to having you on.
Look at me. Do I look like a guy who’s going to pass up a meatball?
Looking forward to coming on sometime.
Well done.
I was a little surprised you didn’t take that opening yourself, but setting me up to have to burn myself is smart if that was the goal.
Maybe you should call one of them “everyone’s entitled to their opinion…you’re entitled to your shitty opinion and I’m entitled to my good one!” Oof! Old reference.
Lol I think I remember that. That was at one of our parties, right?
yup I think it was the 2003 one? Maybe? I remember it being warm.
Which would mean you just made a reference older than the blog. Your memory is ridiculous.
Heheh. The funny part is I have no memory of what we were talking about where somebody was having a difference of opinion with Matt. I just remember that disembodied sentence.
Oh man…. that’s a pretty solid call back. And title!