Man, everybody’s dying this year. There are so many that deserve mentioning that I haven’t gotten around to yet because I don’t want to have to change the name of the place to And now to that list we can add Chris Warren, who was either 48 or 49 depending on which report you read when he passed away over the weekend.
If you’ve watched wrestling for any length of time, you know that song. The voice singing it is Chris Warren, who you also might remember from the…um…different version of America the Beautiful he performed at Wrestlemania 14.
Sorry for the quality here, it’s the best I could find. Also, the sound is muffled.
Nowadays when that DX music hits it means that a couple of old guys are about to come out and be terribly unfunny, but for a time in the late 90s it meant that you’d better not go anywhere because something nutty that you’d never expect to see on a wrestling show might be about to happen and you weren’t going to want to miss it. Chris Warren might not have had the best voice in the world, but it’s hard to imagine DX’s presentation being quite as unique without it. He was the perfect sound at the perfect time. Hopefully WWE will give him some sort of tribute to recognize his small but meaningful contribution to one of the biggest money periods in its history.