Last Updated on: 23rd April 2017, 11:36 am
So I joined a book club. I need to write a whole post about that, but the reason I mention it is someone else in the book club wants to do a triathlon. Go her. I take my hat off to anyone who can do all of that. But, she’s been at this for a while, and has teamed up with someone else who wants to do the same. Being blind, she needs to use a tandem bike for the biking part, and for this, she needs a tandem mountain bike. As you can see from her Gofundme campaign goal, those suckers aren’t cheap. I commend her for taking it on, and am definitely rooting for her and Andrea. I get tired even thinking about doing a triathlon.
It looks like they have a good chunk of funds already. If you’d like to give to their cause, you know what to do.