This story about two men in their 70’s fighting over cheese samples is a funny enough scene on its own. One fellow repeatedly cut in line at free sample stations in front of this other fellow until they had words about it and the line-cutter hit the other guy. But for some reason, there’s a part of me that wonders if, in a couple of years, my dad could be one of the guys in the fight.
My dad is in his 70’s, a scary fact I know, and sometimes he can be a little bit cranky. Steve and I joke that he has a limited supply of chipper tokens and when he runs out, there are rough times ahead. I think for now, the only ones who are aware of the loss of tokens are family, but what does the future hold?
In my dad’s case, it would probably only amount to dad having some choice, probably hilarious, words with a guy cutting in line. I couldn’t see dad cutting in line or smacking anyone. But I definitely could see a future where he would lip someone off for doing something like that if he was especially frustrated. Hopefully I’m wrong. I’m glad he doesn’t have a Costco membership…for now.
This reminds me of the legendary promo he cut on the Metro Movers phone person. The one about laying in a ditch. They totally deserved it and it was goddamned hilarious, but I was so worried they’d think I was him when I inevitably had to call in.