She ran out of time to mention it herself or maybe she’s just shy, so I’ll do it.
As I type, Carin is on her way to the CSUN conference. Her work sends her most years, which is pretty cool.
“Carin, please let us fly you to better weather and pay you to hang out with smart people and play with all sorts of new technology.”
Yeah, she’s not turning that down.
But this year she’s going to do more than just take it all in. She’ll actually be presenting!
“Don’t Make Me Do This!” A Ninja Screen Reader User Implores Web Developers
Session ID
Date & Time
Thursday, March 14, 2019 – 9:00 AM PST
Grand GHThis session will present a nuanced view of web accessibility and demonstrate how users with diverse expertise levels perceive web accessibility differently.
• Sambhavi Chandrashekar
OCAD University
• Carin Headrick
D2L Corporation
I’ve seen bits of this presentation. If you have a website and wonder why people don’t seem to like it very much or you’re about to build one and want to maybe not have that problem, it’s one you should check out.
And say hi to Carin if you see her around. She’ll be somewhere or other conference-related from later today until sometime Friday. She’s fun to talk to, and you’ll even get to meet the Shmans!