We have an entire section here devoted largely to people being unhappy about food. This story is one of those, but it’s different. For instead of ending as so many do in assault, property damage or both, this one serves as a reminder that, like your dad and granddad always told you, if you want something done right, you’ve got to pull on those bootstraps and do it your own damn self.
According to cops, the suspect entered the Taco Bell in Spartanburg Wednesday afternoon complaining that “there was not enough meat on his Mexican pizza.”
A store employee told cops that she “re-made the suspect’s food.”
The man, however, was equally displeased with his second pizza and demanded a refund. When told that was not possible since a manager was not on the premises, the suspect became “enraged,” declaring that he “would show the employees how to make his food the appropriate way,” according to a police report.
The man then “walked behind the counter into the kitchen area and began making his own food.” A Taco Bell worker noted that the suspect “did not follow proper health/safety guidelines” by not wearing “protective gloves while making his food.”
The Taco Bell employee said the suspect “made himself another Mexican pizza and subsequently left the store and premises.”
Police are hoping to identify and track him down through either security footage or public assistance. When they do, there is a good chance he could receive misdemeanor larceny and trespass charges, which I assume is a strangely named citizenship award given to community members who non-violently resolve conflicts by making the best of less than ideal situations.