Last Updated on: 24th September 2019, 09:20 am
I suppose that something like this could probably happen to anybody, but I’m going to take a moment to delight in it because it’s happening to people who spend most of their time doing their best impression of a rudderless ship, drifting from thing to thing, just kind of doing stuff without any sort of forethought. Plus the irony of this happening to Doug Ford, who owns a company that does this very thing, is pretty rich. Anti-carbon-tax stickers falling off gas pumps, Ford vows to fix the problem
Ontario Premier Doug Ford says the government’s provincewide campaign to criticize the federal carbon tax just isn’t sticking.
That’s because the stickers decrying the tax, which gas stations are required by law to post on their pumps, were produced using the wrong adhesive and are falling off.
Ford joked about the issue at the International Plowing Match in Verner, Ont., on Tuesday, quipping that the stickers may have worked if they’d been produced by the label company owned by the Ford family.But the premier acknowledged that the stickers were somehow botched and vowed to fix the problem.
He says the specifications were all accurate for the stickers, which became mandatory in Ontario gas stations at the end of August.He offered few details, but said he would be discussing the matter with Energy Minister Greg Rickford.
“It’s like the shoemaker’s daughter not getting shoes,” Ford said of the mixup. “They have to pull me off the ceiling when I hear they are coming off.”
No way they really have to pull him off the ceiling. I’m sure he eventually starts coming down on his own.