For Sale: One…No. Not One Of Those

Last Updated on: 1st December 2021, 03:05 pm

When advertising something for sale online, it is wise to include a photo of the item in question so that prospective buyers can more easily tell whether or not they’re interested. Also wise? Taking a gander at that photo before uploading it just in case the big ol bag of meth that is not for sale somehow found its way into it.

Photo of the ad.
Meth not included.

The sheriff was tipped off to the discovery by an eagle-eyed citizen, who noticed someone trying to sell a catalytic converter online had posted a picture Tuesday night that included a “large bag of meth and syringe” in the background, the Stone County Sheriff’s Office reported.
On Wednesday, detectives went to the man’s home and served a search warrant.
“You can imagine his surprise!!” Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader wrote in a Facebook post. “He still had 48 grams of meth and a pistol that he is forbidden to own! We have now provided him a new place to stay.”

The man with a new place to stay is James Kertz, who they booked on suspicion of drug-related offenses and who, they say, did not follow my advice from earlier.

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