Last Updated on: 27th April 2024, 10:46 pm
In our last installment of let’s make fun of what Carin says in her sleep, I thought this little bit would be a thing of the past now that Santa had arrived. But apparently, it still has some life in it, although a little less.
There’s one interesting pattern we have noticed: if there is a massive increase in sleep jabberings, I might want to check the calendar and see if my mask and hose need replacing. It’s the weirdest thing. I don’t feel the mask losing its effectiveness, but as soon as I have replaced it, I marvel at how much less tired I am, and wish I’d done it sooner. Hopefully I’ll learn for next time.
Also, I have upgraded my water chamber to one that can handle distilled water and filtered water. This is such an improvement for when I’m travelling. I thought distilled water would be an easy thing to get, but I have found that it’s not. Not every drug store carries it! I went to a hotel in Anaheim, and we went to a Wallgreens and a CVS and neither of them had the stuff! We even tried a 7-Eleven and nope! I would have had to go to a Walmart or a Target that was much further away. We ordered it on Uber Eats, and the person tried to bring us something that was not distilled water because it turns out the place was out of stock even though it was marked as available to order. We eventually found it, but it was just so much trouble! If I can avoid that, I will. But enough Santa jabber. Let’s laugh at my sleeping antics.
Carin decided to give us one more for the road around 4 o’clock this morning.
“I had an identical idea,” she told no one in particular. “Gonna build a big ‘ol Courtney thing with plants around it.”
I’m fairly certain I know who Courtney is, but I’m not so sure what’s being built in her honour. Is it in her honour? Maybe it’s meant to keep her out of someplace?
I have no idea! Who knew I was also into landscaping in my sleep life?
Pretty sure this concept is still dead because her sleep machine is a miracle worker, but Carin’s nighttime brain is doing its best to try keeping it alive.
She’s still sometimes convinced that things are broken and need immediate, panicked repairs. Some things never change, I suppose. Unfortunately, now and then this involves her sitting up in bed, trying to turn off the damn machine and then not knowing why she did it. I’ve caught her at it a few times and managed to stop it, but there was one night when she beat me to it.
Carin: “Something needs fixing right away! This should only take a second.” *pushes button*
Me: “Did you just turn off your machine for no reason?”
Carin: “I do believe I did.”
So far, my favorite new era thing happened on Sunday night.
I rolled over, and all of a sudden…
Carin: “Oops.”
Me: “What did you do?”
Carin: “I just heard what they said.”
Me: “No one said anything. I just rolled over.”
Carin: “Oh. I thought I heard somebody making fun of me and my all masked up voice.”
It is amusing to make fun of her all masked up voice, I’ll admit. But it’s much more fun when everyone is awake to hear it.
By the way, “doe doe doe doe doe doe!”
Carin will understand that. And I’m pretty sure she won’t know what she was trying to tell me.
Hahahahahah! Nope I don’t remember the “doh doh doh doh doh doh!” one at all. But I guess I was sure something was broken. One night I shut off the machine in my sleep, and then I had a dream I was turning blue and had to be rushed to the hospital. Then I realized why I might have been dreaming that. The poor machine wasn’t doing its air foofing thing. And nope, I don’t remember telling Steve about people making fun of my masked-up voice.
That was pretty amusing. I wake up to Carin chuckling and saying “right, I get it. That’s pretty funny.” Of course I asked what it is she got, and she tells me “the joke that they sent out and put up. The one with the picture.” Then there’s a long pause. “I don’t know what it’s a picture of so I can’t explain it to you.”
And I can’t explain it to myself either. The picture is all gone.
This next one happened around the time when I probably should have replaced my mask.
Carin: *Shuffles around like she’s going to get up or shut off the machine*
Me: Whatcha doing?
Carin: Nothin’. Just sleepin’ over here.
And on a somewhat similar yet different note…
Carin: I see what you’re doing over there.
Me: What, sleeping?
Carin: I thought it was some of that freaky stuff.
Neither of us knows what that freaky stuff would have been.
Once, we were visiting a friend, and I yelled “Stop!” in the middle of the night. I think poor Steve was worried I would try and go somewhere or do something. Thankfully, yelling is all I did.
And then there is a large chunk of time when Steve can’t catch me jabbering until when I once again needed a new mask.
“Don’t you dare. Don’t…you…dare! Do not make me waste all that time on Google with the quack quack ducks.”
It’s really weird waking up and getting told that I said that, and having no idea why. Quack quack ducks? What are ducks doing on Google? Did ducks learn how to type? Kind of like monkeys and typewriters writing Shakespeare? Does Duck Duck Go have quack quack ducks too? Were the ones on google defecting from Duck Duck Go? I have so many questions. I thought maybe I meant quack quack docs, like fraudsters putting up websites that I found when googling my symptoms, but it seems to be ducks!
Steve says “It was definitely ducks. “This wasn’t one of those times when I woke up to you talking. I was already laying there awake and heard it clear as day.”
Carin was having herself a night on Monday. Twice I woke up to her saying “Dammit, I don’t have it. I thought I had it.” I don’t think either of us knows what it is. I definitely don’t. But my favourite was “What have ya got there, douche bag? I don’t think so. Nope…nope…nope…nope…nope…” I feel like there might be a story to that one. I hope she remembers it.
Hmmm. I don’t remember what I was dreaming, but I wonder if Domino was the douche bag. His hobby of picking up things off the ground is going to be the death of both of us. Yeah, I have a lot to write about Domino. A lot.
In the wee hours of this morning, as I lie softly sleeping.
Me: “Are you ok?”
Carin: “Yeah. Think so.”
Me: “Are you having a nightmare?”
Carin: “No. I just thought you were having trouble getting out of the path of that crazy whatchamacallit.”
Me: “The what?”
Carin: *silence*
Once again, I have no memory of either doing this, or the dream that could have caused it. I have no idea what the crazy whatchamacallit was that was going to mow Steve down. I did have a particularly scary dream one night when I was away where I was convinced someone had rigged my CPAP mask and if I breathed just the wrong way, it would set off a bomb. I hope I didn’t say anything very colourful that night. At least I was downstairs so if I did, nobody but the dogs would hear me.
Twice last night, Carin woke me up laughing in her sleep. Like literally laughing. Ha ha ha ha he he he he he.
The first time I asked her what was so funny, she said “look at that nice display.” Of course, I asked what was in it. She said “I don’t know, I don’t have it right now.”
A few hours later when she laughed again and I asked the same question, she excitedly said “look at the bouncing boingy sproingly thing! It’s got springs! Where’s it going?” No clue what it was or where it ended up. I wonder if it was some sort of marvellous toy type situation.
I can’t believe I laughed in my sleep. I wish I could have seen that thing, whatever it was. But I have a new mask again, so hopefully Steve will get a few more months of peace before I pull any more stunts.
I’ll cut her a little slack on this one because of the sinus medicine she was on, but last night Carin woke me up three times with some variation of “No! Stop! A huge mistake has been made! Something is way out of line here! I must fix it right away! It’ll be quick! I promise!”
I’m pretty sure she wanted to shut her machine off, because she was trying to get up or at least move her body in its direction every time.
Thankfully she was easy to talk down. Just had to put an arm on her and ask what was wrong. As usual, she couldn’t really tell me.
I can’t remember if it was the second or third one, but she also made a strange “eeeeeeeee” noise that I don’t think I’ve heard her make before and that I can’t possibly do justice to in writing.
I have no idea what was out of line, but the weird part is my only memory is of you putting an arm on me and asking me what’s wrong. And I only remember that happening twice. I felt the arm and thought “Oh crap what have I done now?” The second time, I thought “Again? How much time has passed between the last one?” But I have no recollection of the third one.
I think they all happened within about three hours.
Carin says she was having nightmares last night, but the one time I heard her talking it seemed like she was having a good bit of fun.
Carin: *unintelligible mumbling* “hahahaha. Yeah. Whatever happened to that kid’s face…”
Me: “What?”
Carin: “Oh nothing. Seems my head is dreaming itself off about something or other.”
Carin (talking to…someone): “Oh yeah, for sure. It was just like the time when somebody did something really stupid. Remember that really stupid thing that happened?”
Me (awakening to this conversation): “Who did something stupid?”
Carin: “I’m pretty sure it was me, and I don’t think it happened.”
“I guess I’ll just keep pulling on this. I’m so deeply involved that I feel I must.”
Your guess is as good as mine.
I have 0 clue and 0 memory. I don’t know what was up with my sleep that night.
“There is some good news, everyone. the guy that they turned on stupidly is ok. What happened was…what happened was…what happened was…nothing hap hap hap hap happa happa happened to him.”
I am the most annoying human being after I drift off to snoozeville.
That was just the one I heard all of last night. There was at least one more, but I didn’t catch what it was you yelled about before apologizing for waking me up, which I’m pretty certain you also did in your sleep.
Carin: “Please! Hold on! Stop! For goodness sake! Will someone please listen to me!”
Me: “What’s going on?”
Carin: “Someone was about to trip over a big long tangly cord!”
So sorry I ruined your peaceful sleep…again.
“Yeah. It was going eeeeeeeeee! Eeeeeeeeee! Eeeeeeeeeee! A bit like that other thing, but it was very strange.”
She did not elaborate.
I’m always filled with dread when the morning starts with “Do you remember what you were dreaming that made you say…?”
Not sure what got into Carin the other night, but 3 or was it 4 times I awoke to her babbling about something or other and either flopping around like a sleepy fish or getting ready to shut off the machine. I never managed to catch enough of what she was saying to write any of it down, but there still ended up being a decent story in the end.
I wake up to some chatting and to her starting to roll and lean so she can hit her button. I do the thing where I put an arm on her since it often calms her down. She stops talking and freezes in mid movement for a few seconds. How long is she going to stay like that, I wonder to myself. Then, all of a sudden, she says “Squish!” and melts back onto the bed. Didn’t hear a peep out of her for the rest of the evening.
Carin, not long after we both had started to fall asleep: “I’m a stupidface!”
Me: “Why are you a stupidface?”
Carin: “Because I’m stupid!”
Me: “Why are you stupid?”
Carin: “Because my feet are cold.”
Me: “How does that make you stupid?”
Carin: “Well…it’s like…because…it’s just…I keep dreaming a bunch of strange stuff.”
Me: “You’re sleeping, aren’t you?”
She then comes to enough to realize she’s in trouble and starts laughing. At least that’s what it seemed like.
For the record, her feet were freezing.
I think maybe I can explain this one…ish. I went to bed feeling kind of dumb. My belly was a bit unsettled and I was cursing myself for not having Rolaids or something on hand to help with that, and even when I was all bundled up, my feet would not get warm and I hadn’t gotten up to put on slippers, and I think I’d caught a hair in my mask, and I had this new song by the Wolves of Glendale in my head about somebody’s parents being ashamed of him and he’d just turned 33. And I guess that’s what my sleep brain came up with.
“Oh man, there’s that weird sound again.”
“What weird sound?”
“The one that comes with all of the fake songs!”
Pretty sure Carin caught herself talking last night and let her own self have it. I woke up to something like “Wait! What was that? I just heard it oh shut up you weirdo!” And then she stopped and kept sleeping like nothing had happened.
“Oh good god!”, whispered Carin after midnight last night.
Before I had a chance to think much about why she may have done this, she began to sing. “All I really need is a light in my face…”
She came to part way through the serenade, but can’t decide if the light she thought she was seeing in the window was real or a dream.
I got quite the welcome to bed last night.
“SON OF A BITCH!”, screamed Carin as I walked into the room. “I’ve got a right mess to fix here.”
“You do?”, I asked, suddenly much more awake.
“I sure do,” she said.
She was half way sitting up, playing with her sleep mask the way that she does when there’s no real problem.
“I don’t think you do,” I told her.
“I do too!”, she emphatically assured me.
“No, you don’t,” I countered.
“but but I do!”
“Ok,” I said as I walked closer to her. “What needs fixing?”
She thought. Then she thought some more.
“Hubbidda buh,” she finally answered. “I guess nothing.”
And we all slept happily ever after, or at least until the alarm went off.
Me, as Carin is sitting up: “What are you doing?”
Carin: “I’m waiting for something to fix.”
Me: “What’s broken?”
Carin, *grabs my hand and puts it on her sleep mask*: “This little fella right here!”
Me: “It looks fine to me.”
Carin: “I guess nothing’s wrong. I made a mistake. Sorry.”
*falls back asleep*
Carin, as I finished doing my best to get back into bed after almost tripping over Domino who decided that the one little path to my side was a better sleeping spot than his bed, which is right next to it: “Don’t worry. It’s not hooked up to the point where it’s going to go all kerpow! It doesn’t have all its pluggy inny things. that would be different.”
The actual noise she made was much funnier than kerpow, but I’m not sure it can be spelled using our existing letters.
“It’s so much more fun to imagine all the ships there. I like that a lot better.”
I think Carin might have been dreaming about moving furniture last night.
“Alright everyone…go! Go go go go, and…stop. Ok, now go. Ok stop. Set it there.”
I feel like she said something else funny while this was happening, but I was half asleep and am having trouble remembering.
“Look out look out look out look out look out!”, yelled Carin as she flailed about while I tried to roll over. “The giant sheet is still there on the scoob bed. The one from when we took a snooze.”
“There’s nothing on the bed that shouldn’t be here,” I told her.
“Well. I guess I don’t know what the heck I’m talking about then.”
She didn’t say that last bit as if she was annoyed that I didn’t believe her. It sounded like ok then, I was wrong. Never mind.
And “scoob bed” is just my best guess, of course. But that’s definitely what it sounded like.
Good god. Once again, I break your sleep. Scoob bed, eh? I’ve heard Domino described as looking like Scooby Doo, but since I was talking about our bed, I have no idea. I wonder how much of this crap I did while I was away on a trip. Thankfully, I was in my own room.