Last Updated on: 17th October 2024, 02:52 pm
Judging by the stats this isn’t likely to mean much to most of you, but if you’re still one of those people who finds out that we’ve posted something by seeing a notification on Twitter, get ready to start not doing that.
I haven’t done a thing there since ol’ Numbnuts bought the place a couple years ago, so if I’m the only one of us you follow, nothing will change. You’ll either think the blog is dead and won’t be seeing this anyway, or you care enough to have actually put in the 30 seconds of effort required to figure out that it isn’t and none of this will matter.
Carin’s ghost of an account, however, has automatic posting set up and has been merrily tweeting things out in the meantime. It may still be doing it for all I know, but if it is, it won’t be for long., the service that handles the autoposting, has either ended or will be ending its free plan in the next few weeks depending on which of the emails we’ve recently received is correct. I can’t be arsed to sort it out, honestly. It either works or it doesn’t and there’s nothing we can do about it. What matters is that we’re not paying for a premium plan so that it will continue. Based on what we put into and get out of social media, it’s simply not worth it. It’s so not worth it that I’m not even planning on using the energy to figure out how to set up another free one. If one of you enterprising souls feels like doing it let me know and I’ll plug it, but for now, it’s gone.
If you still want to know when new posts hit the front page, we’ve got an RSS feed for that. There’s one for new comments, too. If you need an RSS reader, I suggest Thunderbird. Yes, the same Thunderbird that some of you might be using for email already. It’s got RSS built into it. I’ve been using it for about the last 15 years and it’s worked well. I love having my email and feeds in the same place. Makes life nice and simple.
If you don’t want to mess with all that, you’ve still got a web browser that should let you bookmark things. Do that to our homepage, then remember to check it every day or three. Anything new will always be right there for you to see.
We don’t have email notifications right now. Nobody said anything when I last asked about it, so I assumed it wasn’t important and didn’t bother setting up a new one.
If you’ happen to have thoughts on any of this, you can leave a comment or send one of us an email. Whatever you do, don’t tweet us. We won’t be seeing it.