Perhaps We Need A Registry For That, Too

I’m having a little trouble figuring out exactly how stupid this gentleman is. Like clearly he’s stupid, but is he stupid or is he stuuuuuuupid?

Police say a Hamilton man went to Kitchener around 11 a.m. on Thursday to “meet with a female youth for a sexual purpose.”
When he arrived at the meeting spot in Kitchener, he was allegedly confronted by several men who demanded money from him.
Police say the Hamilton man transferred money to the men and drove away.
He reported the incident to Hamilton police, who then notified Waterloo regional police.

Later that night, he was arrested and charged with child luring.

Which brings us back to the question of how stupid he is.

Did the police take his report assuming that the girl in question was one of the legal ones, but then do some investigating and figure out in the process that “hey, dude’s a pedophile, let’s get him!”? Because that would be stupid. Why are you getting the police involved? You know you’re doing something you’re not supposed to be doing, and that that something is looked upon much worse than robbery. Maybe put this one down as a learning experience, cut your losses and head it on home and lay low for a bit, because that was close!

Or did he, as my brain after decades of reading and writing about these sorts of things suspects, call them up and say “yes, police? I went on a field trip to Kitchener today. Why? Oh, just to sleep with an underage girl. You know, normal guy stuff. But anyway, while I was there, some awful, heinous criminals held me up for money! Can you even believe it? Who does that?! Please deal with them immediately! Thank you. You have a good day too. I’ll see you around”?

I shouldn’t have to tell you that that would put him solidly in column B. Or maybe I should, because well, decades and such.

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