Service Dog Teams and Ambulances

Last Updated on: 3rd August 2014, 10:39 am

I got this on a mailing list. It’s a video for paramedics about helping service dog teams when an ambulance is called, and I thought it was kinda neat. I learned a few things too, like I didn’t even know about those open grating things and how they can cut paws. Tansy was one lucky pup that Steve was there to take her through a side door.

I also don’t feel as guilty about not being able to heel her while I was on the stretcher. Sure not all patience would even be conscious, so can’t be expected to do that, but I was awake and alert and felt like a giant failbox when I couldn’t even reach her. I was also glad Steve was there, because I wouldn’t want Tansy to have ended up at an animal shelter. Um, eek!

I wish I could distribute this locally somehow. Even though it’s American, it really has some good info.

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