Obviously, we’re totally shocked by all of the insanity going on on Parliament Hill today. Hopefully all of our Ottawa friends are safe and doing well.
But whether or not everyone is safe and sound, Parliament should not sit today as Michael Chong is suggesting.
Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong says he wants Parliament to sit today as scheduled in spite of the shooting on Parliament Hill.
Speaking in a phone interview, from his locked-down Ottawa office, Chong said: “I think it’s important that we do not close Parliament” over the episode.
Chong said failing to sit in Parliament today, as scheduled, at 2 p.m., would send a message to people like the shooter(s) that actions like this can disrupt this democracy.
“I think it’s important to send the message to people like that that you won’t stop a democracy,” said Chong.
I get the sentiment. I think it’s nuts, but I get it. We do need to be strong in the wake of situations like these. Life must, and will, go on. But as well as strong, we must also be safe. As I type this, we know for sure that one suspect is dead, but there seems to be a real possibility that there are more than one. As far as I’m concerned, that’s more than enough reason to shut things down for the day. Believe me, Question Period is not that important to anyone. The last thing we need is another tragedy today. And no, I don’t mean Question Period.
Be safe, everyone.
I am so sorry about the policeman who was murdered yesterday as well as the one who died a few days before.
I watched films of your beautiful Parliament building in Ottawa and couldn’t wrap my head around something like this happening in your country.
I think I’d recess until Monday and give the security experts time to comb the bushes.
I’m not sure what’s going on here, but it’s a strange feeling. Bad things do happen here of course, but this sort of seemingly targeted attack stuff is rare…especially twice in 3 days.
I’d have to double check, but I think I heard that the House is going to be back in session today. I’m ok with that as long as everyone who has to be there is.