Why you would hang your feet out the car window while you’re waiting in the drive through I do not know, but somebody did and it lead to the best laugh I’ve had today.
Ontario Provincial Police are searching for a shoe thief who snatched a pair off the feet of a passenger in a fast-food drive-through.
Norfolk County OPP says they were called around 1 a.m. Thursday to a McDonalds on Queensway East in Simcoe after a passenger, whose feet were hanging out a car window, had both shoes stolen.
The man was last seen running away behind a carwash northwest of the McDonalds, police said.
And as far as I can tell, they still haven’t found him. So if you’ve seen a man between the ages of 18 and 20 with dirty blond hair and a “pock-marked face” who owns a grey, long-sleeved shirt, khaki pants, blue hat and presumably an extra pair of shoes, beat feet to your nearest telephone and notify the appropriate authorities immediately.
A shoe thief, you say? We know one of those, but I doubt he’s *that* one. He only accidentally steals shoes.