I’m Tired, Here’s My Wallet

Last Updated on: 19th March 2019, 09:23 am

Are you one of those people who just can’t get up in the morning no matter what you do? Is the snooze button your best friend and worst enemy? Well friends, help, and possibly even financial ruin are at hand.

For the low low price of $39.99, you can get your very own SnūzNLūz – Wifi Donation Alarm Clock, one of the best and worst inventions I’ve ever seen.

The SnūzNLūz uses the very complex psychological phenomemon known as ‘HATRED’. Basically it’s human nature to wish harm upon your enemies. Similarly, it’s human nature not to give your enemies gobs of cash so that they can grow big and dominate the world with their totally wrong, stupid and invalid point of view. ThinkGeek realized that. That’s why everytime you hit the snooze button, the SnūzNLūz will donate a specified amount of your real money to a non-profit you hate. The problem of sleeping in is solved.

And it’s easy to setup and use too! Just plug your SnūzNLūz in and either connect it to your network via the RJ45 jack on the back, or via WiFi (WPA supported) if available. Then simply configure via the embedded web browser configuration utility. From here it’s a snap. Simply select your online banking institution from the list of supported banks (currently over 1600 are supported). Supply your login information and then select your favorite HATED charity or non-profit from the included lists (over 6200 currently supported). Then plug in your donation amount per snooze incident ($10 or more), set the time, and alarm, and voila, instant time profit!

If any of you buy one of these things, let me know if it works for you…if you can still aford to send email that is.

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