Hey Officer, Check Out My Baton

Last Updated on: 20th September 2016, 05:20 pm

I’m not even sure where to start with this, so I’m just going to lay out what we have here.

We have a fellow who admitted that on at least two occasions, he exposed himself to municipal bus drivers in Seattle. As a result of this admission and the conviction on two counts of indecent exposure with sexual motivation that followed, we also have us a shiny new sex offender. A shiny new sex offender named Anthony Hardison. Yes, Hardison. Normally those things would be enough to warrant a post on their own, but then this happened.

As a result of Hardison’s August 5 sentencing, he was required to register as a sex offender. So, on August 12, Hardison went to the King County Administration Building–which houses the sheriff’s office–to file the required paperwork.
As detailed in a police report, a sheriff’s employee spotted Hardison “intentionally” making an “open and obscene exposure of his penis” while in the building’s lobby.
The lewd display–which was also recorded by a surveillance camera–left the female employee “shocked, angered and disgusted,” an investigator reported.

So to recap, a shiny new sex offender named Hardison who flashes bus drivers goes to the police building to get his shiny new sex offender certificate and I guess because maybe he thought they’d need some kind of visual aid to figure out what he needed starts going to town on himself right there in the lobby. Nope, I don’t think I’m going to see anything better than this today.

He was arrested for this latest display, of course. He is currently contained (hopefully in more ways than one) at the Seattle Correctional Facility in lieu of $145,000 bail.

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