Last Updated on: 17th June 2017, 11:58 am
I’ve found a new place to buy things. What kind of things? Braille things. Talking things. All kinds of neat things. They’re cheap. They have neat descriptions of their things. Some of them even have instruction sheets you can read. I just bought a talking pedometer, and you can listen to its voice. It only cost me 7 bucks to buy it! They even have dymo-labeler tape for cheap! Wooo! Plus, this place will braille things you want brailled. Business cards, menus, cards, whatever. How sweet!
The people who wrote up the site are wacky. I don’t think I’ve ever added something to my shopping cart and had a dialog appear that says “righto! We’ll add that right away!” ever before.
Something else cool about them is they’re open long, long hours. You could probably call them anytime and have a good chance of getting someone.
The final cool thing about this store is if you’re in Canada or the U.S, they ship their things via free matter for the blind! I have never ever ever seen that before. How awesome is that?
So, if you’re in the market for something blinky, head over to! Maybe they’ll have just the thing for you.
In other technological thing-related news, it appears the BookPort and related support isn’t as gone as I thought. They actually just released an update for the transfer software, and there’s still a faint hope that BookPort II may be made. the support people are going the extra mile to help me solve my problem, as it baffles them too. Oh no. Why do I always find the big problems? But at least I have the BookPort big guns on the case.