Ontario Wins, Alberta Chokes, Albino Pukes

Last Updated on: 27th November 2013, 10:01 am

Well things went well in Saskatoon. We had some ups and downs but we made the finals and beat Alberta 3-2 in overtime. It was a great game. The crowd was solidly behind Alberta since we were in Western Canada and…. well people just don’t like our team. So when Dean scored the winner in overtime there was very little cheering. It was more of a collective “awwww”. That was actually way better than a big cheer. When they announced us as the winers at the banquit later, our hole team let out an “awwwww not again”. I wonder why they don’t like us….

So that’s 8 strait Canadian Championships. Next year the event is being held in Halifax. It’s always fun to go out east so we’re looking foward to going out there.

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