Last Updated on: 21st November 2013, 03:40 pm
Oh my my. Barb tagged Steve and I to do this funky music quiz. So off I go. here are the rules.
Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing. See which of your friends can name the most songs.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
No matter how embarrassing? Ok, this has some serious suck potential.
- (got it!) Old McDonald had a band, e i e i o.
- (sort of got it) She was afraid to come out of the locker, she was as nervous as she could be.
- (got it!) Well it’s early in the morning, full belly clean bum.
- (got it!) I told the witch doctor I was in love with you.
- (got it!) Often on the weekend I’ll jump in my car…
- (got it!) People Try to put us down…
- (got it!) Mommy, mommy, I love you dearly…
- (got it!) I’ve got so much trouble on my mind that it feels if like I’m always sleepin’ with the enemy…
- (got it!) There was cheese, cheese, walkin’ on its knees, in the store…
- (got it!)Ug my kids are into Hanson…
- (got it!) Wooo! Yea! I got the price tag!
- (got it!) How many times has this happened to you?
- (got it!) Maybellene, why can’t ya be true?
- (got it!) Three men jump off an overpass…
- (got it!) Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
- Crawling with cancerous thoughts on my mind…
- Well it’s important that you understand me, appreciate my point of view…
- Well, way up north where the air gets cold…
- I just can’t seem to find the words to tell you just how much you mean to me…
- (got it!) Save, save me from this…
- (got it!) Last night I took your picture out from our old dresser drawer…
- (got it!) Woke up quick at about noon…
- Teenagers sure look sad today, “Like whatever, random” is all they say…
- (got it!) Feel the rhythm with your hands, steal the rhythm while you can…
- I backed my car into a cop car the other day…
The artist was Brian Hyland
Barb, you were right, it was David Seville.
Steve, you’re going to cry. It’s Every Inambition by the Trews.
It’s a stupid Jeff Healey song called Some Day, Some Way
Little St. Nick. You’re both gonna cry. and it was the dectalk version.
So…Forget it? Ring any bells? It’s Paul and Storm’s Find the Words
I love the Arrogant Worms, but this song blew. it’s called Teenage Angst.
Barb, you didn’t get this one? You gave me this song. It’s by Modest Mouse. And it was called Float On.
Well, that was…agonizing, and all edited to show just how easy it was for folks, well Steve and Barb anyway, they’re the only ones who dared to try. Anyone who would take a stab at that will probably get every single one of those. And anyone who won’t take a stab at it will stare at me like I’m insane. Out of all my songs, those were the 25 that winamp decided to play? thanks winamp, thanks a whole bunch, you asshole in a media player.
I do have to confess, I had to skip one thing because it was a prank call, and it was one of those Gilbert Gnarley prank calls, so really, the first line being “this is Gilbert Gnarley, G n a r l e y” would be 0 help.
so like Barb said in her post, if you’re not the first one to comment, don’t read the other guy’s comments before you take guesses.
Have fun probably acing this. This isn’t fair. I could only get 1, should have gotten like 4 or 5 of Barb’s, and Barb and Steve are going to have the easiest list of songs to guess in the history of ever. Oh well.