Access Recognition Awards 2009

Last Updated on: 21st April 2015, 04:05 pm

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m part of the Guelph Barrier Free Committees. In november, we want to have a little awards presentation to recognize a business, community group, or educator who has gone above and beyond to break down barriers for persons with disabilities, or a person with a disability who has achieved a goal or a dream. I’m part of the group trying to get the word out about the awards, so I thought why not throw our little blurb up on the blog.

Guelph Barrier Free Committees strive to make all facets of daily life accessible for everyone in our community.

We are seeking nominations for the Access Recognition Awards 2009 to be presented by Mayor Karen Farbridge.

If you would like to nominate an individual or a business for their efforts in breaking down barriers for persons with disabilities, please contact Leanne Warren at 519-822-1260, extension
2670 or e-mail

The deadline for nominations is Monday, October 19, 2009.

So there it is. I hope we get lots of nominations.

Here’s a question I hope someone can answer. In my attempt to spread the word, I posted about it on Kajiji and Craigslist in the community section. I have an account at Craigslist. Even so, I still got greeted by one of those stupid captchas. What’s the point of having an account if you still have to respond to a captcha? You have to do a captcha to get an account for christ’s sake. I guess an account could be taken over, but at that point they might as well do like Kajiji and say you can either put something up without logging in or log in because there’s no real advantage to having an account. Grrr captchas and grrr spammers.

Anyway, I hope these awards go well.

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