The Giants Survived The Curse Of Steve!

Last Updated on: 16th October 2014, 07:18 am

Looks like I didn’t have to worry about that baseball curse after all. The only team I cheered for from start to finish was the Giants, and they justwon the whole damn thing!

Wow, did Lincecum pitch a nice game tonight or what?

It’s not as cool as watching the Jays win one, but I’ve kind of grown attached to these guys and I think I might be an honest to God Giants fan now. There’s a lot to like about them. All that business about them being a group of spare parts that wasn’t supposed to win isn’t totally untrue, but they did it and that’s pretty freakin awesome.

Oh and thank youRofor letting me know that I’m not the only one who does the RenteriaSanteriathing. I’ve been doing that for years and I thought I was nuts.

See you next year, baseball. It’s been fun.

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