Last Updated on: 4th March 2014, 10:32 am
Mark Clay Hazlitt is a special kind of selfish individual. A sheriff’s helicopter was flying around the area of his home. Unknown to him, it was searching for a man who had threatened suicide. All he knew was that he was tired of hearing it. So what was his solution? Oh, point a laser pointer at the cockpit, blinding the pilot. Yeah. That’s a good idea. So now, instead of being tired of hearing the helicopter, you can be tired of clearing debris out of your neighbourhood after it crashes. Maybe you can be tired of summoning help for anyone injured because of your selfish and irresponsible actions.
Luckily for him and everyone in his area, the pilot managed to get away so that he could get his equipment readjusted. But unluckily for those conducting the search for the suicidal man, they lost the use of their helicopter until the pilot could fix things.
The pilot was also awesome enough to be able to figure out where the light was coming from, and sent some deputies over to have a talk with Hazlitt, as well as arrest and charge him.
You might be wondering how old Hazlitt is. He’s 58. Yes, he’s 58 years old and still cannot think beyond the end of his nose. How pathetic. Well, maybe some court/jail time might make him grow up. It’s sad that it took him this long.